Monday, November 15, 2010

Closure of Resources

Today all of us were are required to sit for an examination. After several days for burning midnight oil, I have to try my very best in answering all the questions. I would say that this exam paper is basically application on what we have learnt in this semester. For example, there is a question about video editing and I have to create a lesson plan. It is really challenging instead.

Besides, the last question in the exam is preparing a lesson plan that uses a set of technological tools. This reminds me to use all the application and skills that I have learnt from module 1 to 5. I also bare in mind that it must be related to a language focus. An effective will not be perfect if there is no any language focus. This reminds me that a ship without a captain will never reach the destination.

All in all, this course has widen my knowledge in lots of software and taught me how to create teaching aids by using technological tools. Thanks to Pn. Foziah.

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